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<name>Calculate Holidays</name>
<script>on mouseUpput the value in card field "year" into Yearput Year into Eadd 1 to Edivide E by 19put E into Aput trunc of (A) into Asubtract A from Emultiply E by 19if E=0 then add 19 to Eelseend ifmultiply E by 11subtract 3 from Eif Year>1752 thensubtract 7 from Eelseend ifdivide E by 30put E into Aput trunc of (A) into Asubtract A from Emultiply E by 30if Year>1752 thensubtract value of trunc of (Year/100) from Eadd 16 to Eadd trunc of ((trunc of (Year/100)-15)/3) to Eelseend ifput value of E into line 2 of card field "easter"if E<24 thenput value of 24-E into Pelseput value of 54-E into Pend ifput value of P into line 3 of card field "easter"put the value in card field "year" into Xput X into Ldivide L by 4put trunc of (L) into Lput value of X+L-3 into Lif Year>1752 thensubtract 3 from Lsubtract value of trunc of (Year/100) from Ladd 16 to Lelseend ifdivide L by 7put L into Aput trunc of (A) into Asubtract A from Lmultiply L by 7put value of 7-L into Lput value of L into line 4 of card field "easter"if E<24 thenput value of (27-E)/7 into elput el into Aput trunc of (A) into Asubtract A from elmultiply el by 7if el=0 thenadd 7 to elelseend ifelseput value of (57-E)/7 into elput el into Aput trunc of (A) into Asubtract A from elmultiply el by 7if el=0 thenadd 7 to elelseend ifend ifput value of el into line 5 of card field "easter"put value of L-el into Lif L<-.1 thenadd 7 to Lelseend ifput value of L into line 6 of card field "easter"put value of P+L into peeadd 21 to peeput pee into marchdateif pee<32 thenput "March " into line 1 of card field "Easter"put value of pee after second word in line 1 of card field "Easter"elseput "April " into line 1 of card field "Easter"put value of pee-31 into peeput value of pee after second word in line 1 of card field "Easter"end ifput value of marchdate-46 into HOif HO>0 thenput "March " into line 1 of card field "ash Wednesday"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Ash Wednesday"elseif value of (Year/4)-trunc of (Year/4)=0 thenif Year>1752 thenif value of (Year/100)-trunc of (Year/100)=0 thenif value of (Year/400)-trunc of (Year/400)=0 thenadd 29 to HOelseadd 28 to HOend ifelseadd 29 to HOend ifelseadd 29 to HOend ifelseadd 28 to HOend ifput "February "into line 1 of card field "ash Wednesday"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Ash Wednesday"end ifput value of marchdate-63 into HOif value of (Year/4)-trunc of (Year/4)=0 thenif Year>1752 thenif value of (Year/100)-trunc of (Year/100)=0 thenif value of (Year/400)-trunc of (Year/400)=0 thenadd 29 to HOelseadd 28 to HOend ifelseadd 29 to HOend ifelseadd 29 to HOend ifelseadd 28 to HOend ifif HO>0 thenput "February "into line 1 of card field "Septuagesima"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Septuagesima"elseadd 31 to Hoput "January " into line 1 of card field "Septuagesima"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Septuagesima"end ifput value of marchdate+39 into HOif HO<62 thensubtract 31 from HOput "April " into line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"elsesubtract 61 from HOif HO>31 thensubtract 31 from HOput "June " into line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"elseput "May "into line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Holy Thursday"end ifend ifput value of marchdate+49 into HOif HO≤92 thensubtract 61 from HOput "May " into line 1 of card field "Pentecost"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Pentecost"elsesubtract 92 from HOput "June "into line 1 of card field "Pentecost"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Pentecost"end ifput value of marchdate+56 into HOif HO<93 thensubtract 61 from HOput "May " into line 1 of card field "Trinity"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Trinity"elsesubtract 92 from HOput "June "into line 1 of card field "Trinity"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Trinity"end ifput value of marchdate+1 into HOput value of 7*((HO/7)-trunc of (HO/7)) into HOadd 27 to HOif HO<31 thenput "November " into line 1 of card field "Advent"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Advent"elsesubtract 30 from HOput "December " into line 1 of card field "Advent"put value of HO after second word in line 1 of card field "Advent"end ifend MouseUp</script>
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<name>Calculate missing number</name>
<script>on mouseUpput value of card field "startyear" into SYput value of card field "endyear" into EYput value of card field "startmonth" into IMput value of card field "endmonth" into FMput value of card field "Days Between" into DBput value of card field "startday" into SDput value of card field "endday" into EDif DB=0 thenput 0 into MDSif EY-SY>0 thenif IM<3 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thenadd 1 to MDSelseend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseend ifelseend ifrepeat with I=SY+1 to EYadd 365 to MDSif value of (I/4)-trunc of (I/4)=0 thenif I>1752 thenif value of (I/100)-trunc of (I/100)=0 thenif value of (I/400)-trunc of (I/400)=0 thenadd 1 to MDSelseend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseend ifend repeatelseend ifput value of (FM-IM)-1 into monthdaysmultiply monthdays by 30add monthdays to MDSif FM≤IM thenput IM into FM2put FM into IM2put value of IM2-1 into XRepeat with I = IM2 to FM2Add 1 to Xif X>12 thensubtract 12 from Xelseend ifif X=1 or X=3 or X=5 or X=7 or X=8 or X=10 or X=12 thensubtract 1 from MDSelseend ifif X=2 thenif FM<3 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thenadd 1 to MDSelseadd 2 to MDSend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseadd 1 to MDSend ifelseadd 2 to MDSend ifelseadd 2 to MDSend ifelseend ifend repeatelseput value of IM into XRepeat with I = IM+1 to FM-1Add 1 to Xif X>12 thensubtract 12 from Xelseend ifif X=1 or X=3 or X=5 or X=7 or X=8 or X=10 or X=12 thenadd 1 to MDSelseend ifif X=2 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thensubtract 1 from MDSelsesubtract 2 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 1 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 1 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 2 from MDSend ifelseend ifend repeatend ifadd value of 30-SD to MDSif IM=1 or IM=3 or IM=5 or IM=7 or IM=8 or IM=10 or IM=12 thenadd 1 to MDSelseend ifif IM=2 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thensubtract 1 from MDSelsesubtract 2 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 1 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 1 from MDSend ifelsesubtract 2 from MDSend ifelseend ifadd ED to MDSput MDS into card field "Days Between"elseif EY=0 thenput 0 into Pput value of SY into EYput value of IM into FMput DB into daystoaddsubtract value of 30-SD from daystoaddif IM=1 or IM=3 or IM=5 or IM=7 or IM=8 or IM=10 or IM=12 thensubtract 1 from daystoaddelseend ifif IM=2 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thenadd 1 to daystoaddelseadd 2 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 1 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 1 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 2 to daystoaddend ifelseend ifif daystoadd<32 thenif IM=1 or IM=3 or IM=5 or IM=7 or IM=8 or IM=10 or IM=12 thenadd 1 to IMput 1 into Pif IM>12 thensubtract 12 from IMelseend ifelseend ifif daystoadd<31 thenif IM=4 or IM=6 or IM=9 or IM=11 thenadd 1 to IMput 1 into Pif IM>12 thensubtract 12 from IMelseend ifelseif daystoadd<30 thenif P=0 thenif IM=2 thenif value of (SY/4)-trunc of (SY/4)=0 thenif SY>1752 thenif value of (SY/100)-trunc of (SY/100)=0 thenif value of (SY/400)-trunc of (SY/400)=0 thenput 3 into IMput 1 into Pelseif daystoadd<29 thenput 3 into IMput 1 into Pelseend ifend ifelseput 3 into IMput 1 into Pend ifelseput 3 into IMput 1 into Pend ifelseif daystoadd<29 thenput 3 into IMput 1 into Pelseend ifend ifelseend ifelseend ifelseend ifend ifelseend ifelseend ifif P=1 thenput value of daystoadd into card field "endday"put value of IM into card field "endmonth"put value of EY into card field "endyear"elseRepeat with X=1 to trunc of (daystoadd/30.42)subtract 30 from daystoaddadd 1 to FMif FM>12 thensubtract 12 from FMadd 1 to EYelseend ifif FM=1 or FM=3 or FM=5 or FM=7 or FM=8 or FM=10 or FM=12 thensubtract 1 from daystoaddelseend ifif FM=2 thenif value of (EY/4)-trunc of (EY/4)=0 thenif EY>1752 thenif value of (EY/100)-trunc of (EY/100)=0 thenif value of (EY/400)-trunc of (EY/400)=0 thenadd 1 to daystoaddelseadd 2 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 1 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 1 to daystoaddend ifelseadd 2 to daystoaddend ifelseend ifend repeatend ifadd 1 to FMif FM>12 thensubtract 12 from FMadd 1 to EYelseend ifput value of daystoadd into card field "endday"put value of FM into card field "endmonth"put value of EY into card field "endyear"elseput 0 into Pput 0 into Rput value of EY into SYput DB into daystosubtractif daystosubtract≤ED thensubtract daystosubtract from EDput SY into card field "Startyear"put ED into card field "Startday"put FM into card field "startmonth"elsesubtract ED from daystosubtractRepeat with X=1 to trunc of (daystosubtract/30.42)subtract 30 from daystosubtractsubtract 1 from FMif FM=0 thenput 12 into FMsubtract 1 from EYelseend ifif FM=1 or FM=3 or FM=5 or FM=7 or FM=8 or FM=10 or FM=12 thensubtract 1 from daystosubtractelseend ifif FM=2 thenif value of (EY/4)-trunc of (EY/4)=0 thenif EY>1752 thenif value of (EY/100)-trunc of (EY/100)=0 thenif value of (EY/400)-trunc of (EY/400)=0 thenadd 1 to daystosubtractelseadd 2 to daystosubtractend ifelseadd 1 to daystosubtractend ifelseadd 1 to daystosubtractend ifelseadd 2 to daystosubtractend ifelseend ifput 1 into Rend repeatsubtract 1 from FMif R=0 thenif daystosubtract=30 thenadd 1 to Pif FM=4 or FM=6 or FM=9 or FM=11 thensubtract 1 from FMput 31 into EDelseend ifelseend ifif daystosubtract=29 thenadd 1 to Pif FM=2 thenif value of (EY/4)-trunc of (EY/4)=0 thenif EY>1752 thenif value of (EY/100)-trunc of (EY/100)=0 thenif value of (EY/400)-trunc of (EY/400)=0 thenput 29 into EDelseend ifelseput 29 into EDend ifelseput 29 into EDend ifelseend ifelseend ifelseend ifif daystosubtract=28 thenadd 1 to Pif value 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(EY/100)-trunc of (EY/100)=0 thenif value of (EY/400)-trunc of (EY/400)=0 thenput value of 29-daystosubtract into EDelseput value of 28-daystosubtract into EDend ifelseput value of 29-daystosubtract into EDend ifelseput value of 29-daystosubtract into EDend ifelseput value of 28-daystosubtract into EDend ifelseend ifend ifelseend ifput EY into card field "Startyear"put ED into card field "Startday"put FM into card field "startmonth"end ifend ifend ifend mouseUp</script>
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<name>Days Between</name>
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<name>Old style to New style</name>
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<name>New style to Old style</name>
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<name>ash wednesday</name>
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<text>April 222826716</text>
<text>March 7</text>
<text>May 31</text>
<text>June 10</text>
<text>June 17</text>
<text>February 19</text>
<text>December 2</text>
<text>Lent 40 week days between Ash Wednesday and EasterAdvent Period from Advent Sunday to December 25Sexagesima Sunday Sunday after Septuagesima Sunday.Quinquagesima Sunday 2nd Sunday after Septuagesima SundayShrove Tuesday day before Ash Wednesday.Passion Sunday 2nd Sunday before EasterPalm Sunday Sunday before EasterQuasimodo (Low) Sunday Sunday after EasterGood Friday Friday before EasterMaundy Thursday Thursday before Easter Adorate dominum 3rd Sunday after January 6Adrian (Canterbury) January 9Ad te levavi Advent SundayAgatha February 5Agnes January 21Alban June 22(or June in 1662 Prayer Book)Aldhelm May 25All Hallows November 1All Saints November 1All Souls November 2Alphege April 19Ambrose April 4Andrew November 30Anne July 26Annunciation March 25Aspiciens a longe Advent SundayAudoenus (Ouen) August 24 or 25Audrey (Ethelreda) October 17Augustine (Canterbury) May 26Augustine (Hippo) August 28Barnabas June 11Bartholomew August 24Bede, Venerable May 27Benedict March 21Translation of Benedict July 11Birinus December 3Blasius February 3Boniface June 5Botolph June 17Bricius November 13Candlemas February 2Canite Tuba 4th Sunday in AdventCantate domino 4th Sunday after EasterCathedra Petri February 22Catherine November 25Cecilia November 22Cena domini Thursday before Easter Chad (Cedde) March 2Christmas (Natale Domini) December 25Christopher July 25Circumcision January 1Clausum Pasche 1st Sunday after EasterClement November 23Cornelius+Cyprian September 14Corpus Christi Thursday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Crispin and Crispinian October 25Exaltation of the Cross September 14Invention of the Cross May 3Cuthbert March 20translation of Cuthbert September 4Cyprian and Justina September 26Daemon mutus 3rd Sunday in Lent (after Ash Wednesday)Da pacem 18th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*David March 1Deus in adiutorium 12th Sunday after Octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Deus in loco sancto 11th Sunday after Octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Deus qui errantibus 3rd Sunday after EasterDicit dominus 23rd and 24th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)Dies cinerum Ash WednesdayDies crucis adorande Good FridayDies Mandati Maundy ThursdayDionysius, Rusticus, and Eleutherius October 9Domine, in tua misericordia 1st Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Domine, ne longe Palm SundayDominus fortitudo 6th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Dominus illuminatio mea 4th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Dum, clamarem 10th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Epiphany January 6Dum medium silentium Sunday in octave of Christmas or Sunday after January 1 when this falls on eve of Epiphany (Jan. 6)Dunstan May 19Eadburga (Winchester) June 15Ecce deus adiuvat 9th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Editha September 16Edmund (archbishop) November 16 his translation June 9Edmund (king) November 20 his translation April 29Edward the Confessor January 5 his translation October 13 often called the feast of St. Edward in the quidene of MichaelmasEdward (king of Saxons) March 18 his translation I February 18 his translation II June 20Egidius (Giles) September 1Enurchus (Evurcius) September 7Esto mihi Sunday before Ash Wednesday (Quinquagesima)Ethelbert (king) May 20Ethelreda October 17Euphemia September 16Eustachius November 2Exaudi domine Sunday in octave of Ascension or 5th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Exsurge domine 2nd Sunday before Ash Wednesday (Sexagesima)Fabian and Sebastian January 20Factus est dominus 2nd Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Faith October 6Felicitas November 23Fransiscus October 4Gaudete in domino 3rd Sunday in Advent George April 23Gregory March 12Grimbold July 8Gule of August August 1Guthlac April 11Hieronymous (Jerome) September 30Hilary January 13Hugh (bishop of Lincoln) November 17Inclina auram tuam 15th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*In excelso throno 1st Sunday after EpiphanyInnocents December 28Invocavit me 1st Sunday in LentIn voluntate tua 21st Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Isti sunt dies Passion SundayJames July 25Jerome (Hieronymus) September 30John the Baptist June 24 his beheading August 29John the Evangelist December 27 Ante Portram Latinam May 6Jubilate omnis terra 3rd Sunday after EasterJudica me Passion SundayJudoc December 13Justus es domine 17th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Lady day (annunciation) March 25Laetare Jerusalem 4th Sunday in LentLambert September 17Lammas August 1Laudus September 21Laurence August 10Leonard November 6Lucianus and GeminianusSeptember 16Lucian January 8Lucy December 13Luke October 18Machutus November 15Margaret (queen of Scotland) July 8Margaret (virgin and martyr) July 20Mark April 25Martin November 11 His translation July 4Mary, Blessed Virgin Annunciation (Lady day) March 25 Assumption August 15 Conception December 8 Nativity September 8 Purification February 2 Visitation July 2Mary Magdalene July 22Mathias February 24 (25 on leap years)Matthew September 21Maurice September 22Meliorus October 1Memento mei 4th Sunday in AdventMichael September 29 In Monte tumba October 16Mildred July 13Miserere mihi 16th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Misericordia domini 2nd Sunday after EasterName of Jesus August 7Nicholas December 6Nicomedes June 1Oculi 3rd Sunday in LentOmnes gentes 7th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Omnia quae fecisti 20th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Omnis terra 2nd Sunday after EpiphanyOsanna Palm SundayO Sapientia December 16Osmund December 4Oswald (bishop) February 28Oswald (king) August 5Patrick March 17Paul, Conversion of January 25Perpetua March 7Peter and Paul June 29Peter and Vincula August 1Philip and James May 1Populus Sion 2nd Sunday in AdventPrisca January 18Priscus September 1Protector noster 14th Sunday after octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Quasimodo 1st Sunday after EasterReddite quae sunt 23rd Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Remigius, Germanus, and Vedastus October 1Reminiscere 2nd Sunday in LentRespice domine 13th Sunday after PentecostRespice in me 3rd Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Richard April 3 his translation July 15Rorate celi 4th Sunday in AdventSalus populi 19th Sunday after PentecostScholastica February 10Si iniquitates 22nd Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Silvester December 31Simon and Jude October 28Sitientes Saturday before Passion SundayStephen December 26 his invention August 3Suscepius deus 8th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost (Trinity)*Swithun July 2 his translation July 3Thomas the Apostle December 21 his translation July 3Thomas Becket December 29 his translation July 7Timotheus and Symphorianus August 22Transfiguration August 6Urban May 25Valentine February 14Vincent January 22Viri Galilei Ascension DayVocem jucunditatis 5th Sunday after EasterWilfrid October 12Wulfstan January 19</text>
<text>This stack is intended to replace clumsy handbooks of dates for students of English history and literature. It is also accurate for European history generally, with the exception of the period 1582-1752 (for reasons I shall explain). Students of Continental history will need to adjust a constant if they wish to date documents from this period.(Note: I am neither an experienced programmer nor a mathematician, so my solutions are a trifle inelegant. The result is that this stack is noticeably slow witted. It sometimes takes a few seconds to come up with the answers (especially on a MacPlus). But it always gets there in the end!)There are four different areas on the primary card. They operate as follows.1. Calculation of major moveable feasts. Since the ecclesiastical calendar is based on lunar rather than solar cycles, certain key holidays (feasts) occur on different days each year. The method of calculating these feasts has also changed since the council of Nicea (325 A.D.). The button labeled "Calculate Holidays" calculates the dates of seven major feasts for the year entered in the field labeled "Year", and displays the results below this field. The only restrictions are that the number entered in the field "Year" must be an integer (no fractions) greater than zero. However, the holidays generated are only valid for dates since 325 A.D. (Early Christian and Roman dating is another story). Also, for purposes of calculation, I have assumed that the ecclesiastical year begins on January first, even though this standard was only gradually accepted. If you are working with early monastic documents you might want to consider that dates from December 25th through March may be "off" by one year. To a Benedictine, for instance (to whom the year began on December 25th), the feast of the Innocents in 1450 would be December 28th, 1450, while to others it might be December 28th, 1449. In fact, before 1582, most calendars did not have the year begin on January 1st, even though the calculation of the moveable feasts acted as if it did. In England, the year "began" either on December 25th, or, more frequently on March 25th (Lady Day), until 1752. These vagaries are not something I wanted to include in the calculations, since they often varied quite a bit. The calculations for the holidays *will* take into account the days dropped from the calendar when the "New style" was adopted, since these affect the month and day of Easter. Conventions about the beginning of the year are easily corrected for.2. Calculation of other feasts, and Saints' days. If a text refers to a particular Saint's day, or to a more obscure moveable holiday (perhaps the introit for the mass on given Sunday), you may search a field to find the given date. The button labeled "Find" brings up the standard dialog box asking you for the name of the saint or the holiday. Enter the name and press Return. Hypercard will search through the field below and find the first instance of the word or phrase. If you press Return again, the program will search for the next instance, and so on. You may also scroll through the field. The entries are roughly alphabetical. In some cases, entries refer to another holiday, usually one of the seven holidays calculated by the "Calculate Holidays" button. If, for instance, you are told that the introit "Si iniquitates" was sung on the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, you will need to use the "Calculate Holidays" button to find the date of Pentecost for any given year. Once you know the date of Pentecost, you can use the "Days Between" calculation to find the date in question.3. Days Between Dates This area can be used to find the number of days between two dates or to find the date occurring a certain number of days before or after a given date. Its usefulness may not be immediately apparent, but in some cases you may find that a minor holiday or religious event occurs a certain number of days before or after a major feast. Also, many Renaissance literary works have numerological aspects (it was fashionable in some circles) and the ability to rapidly calculate days between dates is useful. The button labeled "Calculate missing number" will find the "missing" quantity that satisfies as follows. If the initial and final dates are entered, the button will find the days between. If the initial date and the days between are entered, the button will find the final date. If the final date and the days between are entered, the button will find the initial date. All fields must have numbers in them at all times. *** To leave fields "blank", enter a zero.*** As in the case of the "Calculate Holidays" button, this area of the calendar assumes that the year begins on January 1st, although it does compensate for the days lost in the reformation of the Calendar.4. Old and New style dating and Day of the week When the Pope Gregory revised the calendar in 1582, a certain number of days were omitted from the calendar at a particular time, resulting in two separate styles of dating. England persisted in using the "Old Style" until 1752, because of religious differences. The Old Style also often dated the beginning of the year from March 25 rather than January 1, and this area of the card takes this difference into account. Thus March 8, 1735, Old Style is really March 19, 1736 in the New Style! Occasionally, particularly in dating material between 1582 and 1755 or so, it becomes necessary to convert back and forth. The button called "Old to New" converts the old style date to a new style date and enters it in the "New style" fields. The button called "New to Old" converts the new style date to an old style date and enters it in the "Old style" fields. All fields must have an integer greater than zero in them to begin with. I have added a button that calculates the day of the week. This button uses the date in the Old style fields to calculate the day of the week. Since the day of the week was not affected by the change in calendars it doesn't really matter, but you must make sure that a new style date is converted to an old style before you push the "Calculate day of week" button. ** Remember that this area of the card assumes that the year begins on March 25th, while the rest of the card uses January 1st. If you want to plug in dates derived from the "Calculate Holidays" button or the "Days between dates" section, be aware that you will have to subtract 1 from the year for all dates between January 1st and March 24th. ** NOTE FOR STUDENTS OF CONTINENTAL HISTORYIf you want to work with dates in non-english texts you will have to change the constant that indicates the date at which the Gregorian calendar was accepted. At present this constant is 1752, which corresponds to the date the calendar was accepted in England. To change the constant you will need to be in hypercard's "authoring" mode. Your home card should let you change you mode. Then,1. Select the button tool from the Tools menu2. Double click on the button labeled "Calculate Holidays."3. When the dialog box comes up, click on "Script."4. When the script field opens, choose "Replace" from the Script menu and enter 1752 in the first box and whatever date is appropriate for the origins of your text in the second box (1582 for most of the Holy Roman Empire, but not for all the German states).5. Click on "Replace all"6. Close the script field., saving the changes.7. Repeat this process for the buttons labeled "Calculate missing number," "Day of Week," "Old Style to New Style," and "New Style to Old style."Acknowledgements: The formulae for calculating Easter are derived from the 11th edition Encyclopedia Brittanica. The list of holidays is derived from The Oxford Companion to English Literature, fourth edition (1967).This stack is freeware. You may copy it or distribute it to anyone you like, but you may not sell it. If you want to receive updated versions, just let me know, and I will put your name on my list. comments to: Ian MacInnes Department of English Albion College Albion, MI 49224 email: imacinnes@acad.albion.edu</text>
<text> **WARNING**The English legal year and the Ecclesiastical year began on different days before 1752. If you want to find the day of the week of a holiday occurring before March 25th, remember to subtract one (1) from the ecclesiastical year. ** Click to continue **</text>
<script>On Opencardhide menubarput 1492 into card field "Year"put 5 into card field "Startday"put 3 into card field "Startmonth"put 1450 into card field "startyear"put 8 into card field "endday"put 10 into card field "endmonth"put 1451 into card field "endyear"put 464 into card field "days between"end OpencardOn mouseuphide card field "help"hide card field "warning"End mouseup</script>